Fair Conditioning AC vs Fan: Energy Consumption – Fair Conditioning

AC vs Fan: Energy Consumption


Building Services



Academic Year

2'nd Year

Complexity Level


Content tags

Air Conditioning


Climate Justice


Energy Consumption

Activity Type

Field Measurements

Activity duration

1-2 hours


To compare the energy consumption of a fan vs a room air conditioner.


Students will realize that an air conditioner consumes much more energy than a ceiling fan.


An air conditioned laboratory (in college building), power meter.

  1. Conceptual knowledge of electrical energy consumption.
  2. Knowledge of how a power meter works.
  3. Suitable for final year architecture students.
  1. Identify a laboratory (eg: a computer lab) in your college having an air conditioner in it.
  2. Insert air conditioner plug into the power meter.
  3. Insert the power meter into electrical socket
  4. Switch on the AC.
  5. Note the power consumption from the power meter.
  6. Keep noting the power consumption after every 10 minutes for 1 hour. Tabulate them as shown below.
  7. Estimate the mean power consumption by taking an average of all the intermittent values of power consumption.
  8. Estimate the energy consumption for 1 hour.
  9. Identify a fan in the classroom.
  10. Look for the nameplate on the fan which states it’s power consumption.
  11. Estimate the hourly energy consumption of the fan.
  12. Compare the hourly energy consumption of the fan vs AC.
  13. Estimate the no. of fans which collectively consume energy equivalent to one air conditioner.
  1. Table for calculating energy consumption of an AC.
Time IntervalPower Consumption (kW)
Initial Time (A)
10 minutes (B)
20 minutes (C)
30 minutes (D)
40 minutes (E)
50 minutes (F)
60 minutes (G)
Average $$\frac{A+B+C+D+E+F+G}{7}$$ (PAC)
Table for calculating energy consumption of an AC

Step 2: Energy Consumption of AC (kWh) = Average Power Consumption (kW) x no. of hours used (hrs) = PAC (kW) x 1 (hour)

Step 3: Energy Consumption of Fan (kWh) = Power Consumption x no. of hours used (hrs.) = PFAN (kW) x 1 (hour)

Step 4: No. of fans which collectively have the same energy consumption as that of an AC = $$\frac{\:\text{Energy consumption of an AC (kWh) }}{\:\text{Energy consumption of a fan (kWh)}}$$

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