Fair Conditioning Carbon Footprint of High-Rise Building – Fair Conditioning

Carbon Footprint of High-Rise Building


Building Services



Academic Year

2'nd Year


3'rd Year

Complexity Level


Content tags

Building Materials & Properties


Carbon Footprinting


Embodied Energy

Activity Type

Numerical Exercise

Activity duration

2-4 days


To learn the carbon footprint calculation of a high rise building 


Students will learn about carbon emissions generated due to high rise building construction and reflect on sustainability of the same. 


Prior Selection of the high rise building and drawings (Floor plan and sections) of the same, Basic knowledge of carbon footprint, materials used in building construction, emission factor


This activity ideally needs a Carbon footprint calculator expert or mentor who can facilitate carbon footprinting of the high rise. It also needs support of teachers, especially Building services and structures mentors for facilitating the calculation of the weight of different components of RCC, Brick from the measurements of the building elements such as Column, Beam, slab, walls, etc. Based on this exercise, the quantity of materials can be calculated by referring to the design of the selected building. Alternatively it can also be done online with portals like www.omnicalculator.com. A demonstration of the same can be given to the students for them to take the calculation further.

Step 1: Write down the quantity of materials used in a building construction as is mentioned below:

Sr. No.Quantity of cement (kg)Quantity of Steel (kg)Quantity of Aluminium (kg)Quantity of Bricks

Step 2: Explain the calculation of carbon footprint and emission factor of each material that the students have identified.

Step 3: Calculate the carbon footprint using the formula:

  1. Estimate the carbon footprint of building materials

Carbon Footprint (CF) = Activity * Emission Factor (EF)


Carbon Footprint = Emission of a material (kg CO2e)

Activity = Quantity of materials used in construction (cement, steel, Aluminium, etc)

Emission Factor = Relevant default emission factor of a material

Step 4: Record the calculation in the following table:

Carbon Emission from building materials-

Sr. No.Building MaterialsQuantity of material (kg)Emission Factor (kgCO2e/kg)Calculated carbon emission (kg CO2e)
4Burnt clay bricks0.16

*2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Vol. 3

Step 5: Discuss the results of the exercise and reflect on the high emission factor materials that are used so rampantly in comparison with other materials having low emission..




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