Fair Conditioning Studying Sustainable Natural Resource Management Systems for a Building/Campus – Fair Conditioning

Studying Sustainable Natural Resource Management Systems for a Building/Campus


Architectural Design


Building Services

Academic Year

3'rd Year

Complexity Level


Content tags

Architectural Practice


Building Bylaws


Green Buildings

Activity Type

Design project



Activity duration

2-4 hours


Objective: To study and understand Natural resource management systems such as Wastewater recycling, Rainwater harvesting, waste segregation and management, composting, percolating wells, Passive design principles, etc. at a building or a campus level. 

Outcome: Students will understand the impact of these systems and the fundamentals of its integration and inclusion in their design projects. 

Requirements: Laptop

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the sustainable systems 


Step 1: Unite the class into 4-5 groups. Each taking one category of sustainable systems such as Energy/Electricity, Waste water, Rain water, Solid waste and Passive design strategies. 

Step 2: Study a case study that has sustainable natural resource management systems, physically or virtually. Understand or document all the details about the systems, processes, infrastructure requirements, logistics and impact in terms of its reuse, resource saving, environmental impact. 

Step 3 – Share it with the class for collective learning

Step 4: Attempt and take up a project of its application to the college campus as a live project. 

Step 5: Present it in front of the faculties and the management team  as a proposal to introduce and integrate the systems in their own building. The proposal should cover multiple benefits of sustainable management of natural resources, mainly focusing on environmental impact.

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